FSRD ITB International Virtual Course


Summer School Program is designed for serving international
students to study in ITB Campus. During the implementation
of academic activities, international and ITB students will
study and work together during a period of time. The lecture
materials, tutorials and excursions will be delivered in
English. The academic activities are delivered by ITB faculty
staffs and foreign resource persons (such as professors and
researchers from partner universities, experts who work in
the reputable industries/research canters, etc.). Until the end
of 2020, summer school programs in ITB are supported by
World Class University Program of ITB.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the summer school program
offered by ITB is replaced by the International Virtual
Courses. As has been indicated by its name, the academic
activities will be delivered virtually.

July 12th – August 12th, 2021

Organized by the Craft Study Program FSRD-ITB in collaboration with Musashino Art University (MAU). This program lifts the diversity of Indonesian traditional textiles and crafts as the main subject with a focus on the richness of culture and traditions. For our first volume, our focus is in Cirebon, West Java.In its implementation, the summer course participants will study Indonesian traditional textiles and crafts in one area. As the main project, each participant will build work based on their chosen area and their fields of interest. By the end of the program, we will showcase the participants works on a virtual exhibition.

Contact: ivckriyaitb@gmail.com

August 2nd – 20th, 2021

Spatial visual perception is a human sense experience felt when someone is in an interior space. This perception was dynamic and always changing within time and movement to be expressed as a pictorial sequence (Cullen, 1961). There are similarities between interior space and movie set, One can clearly identify tangible experiences like spatial perception and time–changing perception, and also intangible experiences like psychological perception and cultural – social – economy – politic interpreted value. Interior space in a built environment always starts from a narrative story in the form of design concept/criteria/etc., which in turn will shape certain perceived experience and in the end, arising impact in the form of memory and emotion. The explanation above also applied to movie set design. In this International Virtual Course (IVC) 2021, all students and lecturers will together explore a short movie interior set design to identify perceived experience, arisen impact, and explaining other factor related.

Contact: interioritb.placesense@gmail.com

October 11th – November 15th, 2021

This International Virtual Course (IVC) will take its participants through a design thinking process in order to discover innovative solutions for collective (urban) issues, within the contexts of design ethnography studies that emphasise human behaviours towards the surrounding objects, systems, and ambience. The course participants will experience design thinking steps and design ethnography methods that are applied to daily objects and/or activities that are commonly available in any part of the world. The chosen projects will take the viewpoints of the creative economy ecosystem, including the scope of informal economy that often takes place as a significant factor, particularly in the global south. Another important factor among the main considerations in this course is the recent challenges due to the (post) pandemic condition, where people are forced to find new ways to interact and to conduct daily activities, including delivering products and services safely, without compromising on quality and convenience. People are forced to switch their mindset and behaviour, to switch their perceptions towards the essence of life, to switch their manners of communication, and many more. In order to capture this sense of SWITCH, the course will be delivered in a highly interactive manner, with impactful output that might be implemented in real situations. It is believed that exchanges of experiences from young people with different backgrounds from different countries towards a similar theme will yield interesting findings. This course will be documented in a booklet that contains all journeys of the research (including sketches, photos/ documentation, and so on), up to the results and solutions.

Dr. Dwinita Larasati, M.A.

+62 813-2223-2036

What We Do?

Collaborate to make creative project with
Indonesian and international students